

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Brodys Bad Day

Brody's Bad Day
September 14th, 2008
Today Brody, my mom and I went into the doctor for his second doctors appointment. Everything went good at first, he gained weight and now weighs 11 pounds. He also grew a half an inch so hes now measuring at 22 inches and his head is 15 inches around. So hes keeping up his nickname of "Lil big man". Then the hard part came, mommy had to leave her little boy with the doctor, Brody was scheduled to be circumcised today. It was so hard for me to just hand Brody off to the nurse, but I really didn't want to see it and be in the room. The doctor also advised us not to stay in the room, that it was too traumatizing for family members to see. So I went out in the waiting room until he was done. When the doctor came and got us I was expecting Brody to be crying, but nothing like the way he was acting. I have never heard him cry so loud so hysterically and for so long. The doctor was trying to say something to me and explain what it would look like and show me pictures, but once the nurse gave Brody to me I didn't even care what the doctor was saying, I couldn't concentrate on anything but my son. So thank goodness my mom was there so my doctor just explained everything to her. It absolutely broke my heart to see him like that. I wanted to cry so bad, the tears were right there but it was almost like I was too sad and worried to cry. Now I feel bad that I didn't cry though because I always hear moms saying that they cried when there sons got circumcised. Today was the first time that I have actually seen tears come out of Brody's eyes. He was cried plenty of times, but its just were he kind of makes the crying noise, but no tears come out. Well today actual tears came out, and that broke my heart. I felt so bad for him all day, he was one crabby little man. I was even scared to change his diaper. Its really hard to see him like this but like my mom said, he will thank me for it later.


Lynn said...

Yes, you will be happy you did it. We had to wait a week for Kampbell's and I think that is much worse than getting it done in the hospital. It's almost like they are more alive (i know that sounds dumb) but they are much more alert and aware and i know Kampbell had a harder time than the first 2 boys. I'm sorry Brody :( Hang in there mama, this is only the first of many times you will want to cry for your child, but that only means you have a very strong love for him :)

Taryn said...

ohh that is soo sad. Isn't it soo hard being a mom and watching your little hearts get hurt. I never want my kids to grow up because I don't want the world ever hurt them! I never understood my mothers love until I became a mother!

The Burnetts said...

Give Brody a kiss for me. I have no sons to know what that is like but, you did right by him to have it done. Hang in there. I'm so glad your mom was there with you and can help you when you most need it. See you next week !

Devin & Annie said...

I remember that when we had Austin circumsisted. I actually stayed in the room with Austin and Devin. We were both just sobbing because it was very tramatizing for us as well. But teh good party is that he won't remember it!

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