Something must be wrong!!
May 27th, 2009
This is what my mom and I have been saying for seriously about a month now...something must be wrong with our little Brody!! He hasn't been himself for quiet a while now. He started teething probably a month ago (I feel like a bad Mom I didn't even write it down or anything), hes been pretty cranky with that. He got his two top ones in first, both at the same time. Then the two outside ones came in on the bottom. Now two more on the top and bottom have broken through , so as you can imagine hes been a bit grumpy with that. Hes been biting everything imaginable and drooling like crazy! He just hasn't been himself at all. He usually loves his baths but he hasn't been wanting to stay in them very long at all lately. He also loves to eat...and I mean LOVES it, up until today I couldn't get him to eat anything but his baby yogurt. He also had a really bad cough and a very runny noise. I had been putting off taking him to the doctor because it just seems like every time I take him there ends up being nothing wrong. Also I figured it must just be from him teething. So I finally just decided to take him in on Tuesday. When they weighed him he had dropped down to 20 pounds, he was almost at 22 before. The Doctor said everything was fine except for him noise. He ended up having a sinus infection. I was surprised it wasn't more then that because he has such a bad cough. So we got him on some antibiotics and hopefully he'll be good to go soon.
Also watch out for a post coming soon...Hes going to start crawling anytime now!